The GCSC Family

Almost every intern who has spent time in GCSC would attest to how warm and closely knitted the department is. There is almost always a reason to get together or to celebrate. Since we arrive in Beijing, we’ve been part of many of such get-together activities. Here are a few pictures of our recent gathering. When I find time, I will upload more!

As new interns, you will all face the trial of fire and bottom-ups on the local drink called Er Guo Tou. Something rather akin to industrial alcohol.

The team took a weekend off to stay in a little chalet on the outskirts of Beijing. While we were there, we went on a tree-top, high element rope course. Here's a picture of the team donning harnesses before we started!

This is obviously a bit too easy for Carena....

Unglam shot. But just to give you an idea of how fun it is I shall sacrifice my own image.

Cute Yuanxin hanging on to the spider web! πŸ™‚

Yuxuan waiting for his next obstacle..

Kangmin hanging on in semi-amusement as he grinds to a halt on his butt after the flying fox ride.

Our American Group Supervisor and her beau! πŸ™‚ A cute couple!!

A simple lunch after all the action..

1st of October is the beginning of the Golden Week in China, the special week that commemorates the national holiday. Before all of us part for a week of holidays/ home visits, we gathered around a 9-course lunch and had our fill! Here's one of the two tables!

Here is the next table which cleared more food with the help of more guys!

Taken last weekend at my supervisor's place, where she was nice enough to invite us for a Hai Di Lao steamboat. One of the best brands in China! We were too hungry and we forgot to take pictures with the food before.. So here's a photo of happy us after eating!

All the four interns in this batch.

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